guy donahaye guy donahaye

Drg Drishya Viveka

Introduction by Ramana Maharshi

Since Brahman is the sole reality, according to advaita, how is it that Brahman is not apparent to us, whereas the prapancha (world, i.e., non-Brahman) is so vivid?

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guy donahaye guy donahaye

Who Am I?

β€œThe "I" thought is the first to arise in the mind. When the enquiry "Who am I?" is persistently pursued, all other thoughts get destroyed, and finally the "I" thought itself vanishes, leaving the supreme non-dual Self alone.”

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guy donahaye guy donahaye

Why Meditate?

We have some basic needs: food, water, shelter, good sanitation, love...

But even though we may have the privilege of satisfying these basic necessities, a good education, a good job and more... we still feel unsatisfied, unfulfilled, depressed, anxious, suffer ill health etc..

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guy donahaye guy donahaye

Evolution through Breath

At the heart of yoga is the idea of transformation. Everyone who starts practicing yoga feels the desire for change on some level. These changes we seek are usually both physical and mental - broadly speaking, we look for better health and more peace.

But how does yoga change us? We experience both physical and psychological transformation through yoga - how does this happen?

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guy donahaye guy donahaye


"He who constantly practices uddiyana bandha as taught by his guru, and as it occurs in a natural way, becomes young though he may be old. He should draw back the intestines below or above the navel, and within a month he will conquer death, without a doubt. Of all the bandhas, uddiyana bandha is the most excellent. When mastered, liberation (mukti) follows naturally." - Hatha Yoga Pradipika

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