Returning to Practice - Pain Free
There is an easy formula for returning to practice pain free.
Yoga Sadhana - How to Practice Yoga
What is yoga? Yoga is a special condition of the mind. There are four conditions or states of mind according to yoga - the wide-awake state, the dreaming state, the deep sleep state and yoga, also known as samadhi. Samadhi is a natural state, as natural as the other three.
Food and Yoga
"All creatures are born from food, are sustained by food, and in the end get consumed as food. Food was born before all creatures and is therefore called the medicine for all." - Taittirya Upanisad
The Foundation of Ashtanga Yoga
The first limb of Ashtanga Yoga is Yama - ahimsa, satya, asteya, brahmacharya and aparigraha - or not causing harm, truthfulness, non-theft, sexual continence and non-greed.
Yoga and Bhoga
prakāśakriyāsthitiśīlaṃ bhūtendriyātmakaṃ bhogāpavargārthaṃ dṛśyam - YS 2.18
Awareness of the material nature is there both for the purpose of experience - bhoga - and for the purpose of liberation - yoga.