Writing Projects

Writing Projects

After 30 years of traveling to India, studying, practicing and teaching yoga, it feels like time to record some of my thoughts on paper. I have several projects in mind. The first is a book that would offer students support in practice - advice about diet, injury, breathing, life phases, orientation etc., that I have accumulated over this time. The working title of this book is “Yoga Sadhana - How to Practice Yoga.”

The second is a book reflecting on my own personal practice as it has evolved over the years and, in particular, during the period since the coronavirus pandemic closed the shala doors two years ago. Stepping back from teaching has permitted me to go much deeper into my own process and practice. The working title of this book is “Meditations on Pain.”

For the next 7 months, my intention is to spend at least 50 hrs per month writing. During this time I will stop with online public workshops and aim to teach one live workshop per month. In addition, for those who wish to support my writing project, I will share a monthly piece of writing from the Yoga Sadhana book and a monthly reading/Q&A/practice presentation of The Meditations on Pain Project.

In order to support myself during this time I hope to raise some funds through GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/1c781de2 though donations may also be made via this link: https://www.integralashtanga.com/pay-online/support-my-writing

guy donahaye