I am able to offer a variety of classes, courses, workshops or retreats for your students. Here are a few sample workshops I can offer but feel free to request what will serve your students. Weekend, week-long or longer courses can combine themes.

Sample Workshops


Integral Ashtanga Practice
Weekend workshops/week long Mysore style training

The Art of Breathing
Inspired by the teachings of BKS Iyengar, KP Jois, T Krishnamacharya and KLS Jois.
Each workshop is composed of practice, talk and Q&A.

Part I - How to Breathe
Part II - The Energetics of Breath
Part III - Breathing, Mind and Meditation

Pranayama - in person or online
Weekend Introductory Workshop
Week-long Trainings
Month-long in Depth

Weekend Introduction - Different Methods
Developing Meditation out of Pranayama
Weeklong or Monthlong Training - in Person or Online

Philosophy - Lectures on Individual Themes
Yoga Psychology
Yoga as a Spiritual Practice
3 Gunas
What is Samadhi?
Obstacles and Solutions
Yoga Sadhana
Ashtanga Yoga - 8 Limbs
Internal and External Limbs of Yoga
Yogic Lifestyle
Diet for Yoga

Yoga Sutra
5-10 Talks on Samadhi and or Sadhana Pada
Sutra by Sutra in Depth - with commentary
Sutra Chanting

Other Texts
Drg Drishya Viveka
Katha/Taittiriya//Mandukya Upanishads
Samkhya Karika
The Sacred Tradition of Yoga


Pattabhi Jois Style Ashtanga Practice

Mysore Style
One or more week of daily practice with adjustments
Primary/Intermediate Series in Depth
Breaking down the practice
Detailing vinyasa, technique, adjustments

Primary/Intermediate Series Adjustments Training
Basic 12 hrs training
In Depth 18+ hrs training

200hrs Ashtanga Teacher Training
I can offer a comprehensive training using a combination of in person and online modules.