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Samadhi is Natural

According to Patanjali, yoga is samadhi, a natural phenomenon that happens when the conditions are right. When the mind is relaxed and the body is in a healthy condition, there are times when one can get into a peaceful, serene state of mind and thoughts stop. At such times one may feel totally connected to one’s true nature, spirit, soul or whatever you wish to call it. 

अभ्यासवैराग्याभ्यां तन्निरोधः ॥ १२॥

YS 1.2 yogaś citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ

तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरूपेऽवस्थानम् ॥ ३॥

YS 1.3 tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe'vasthānam

This true nature, according to yoga, is pure consciousness and bliss. But because we have such stressful lives, we seldom feel this kind of peace and this is why other practices like asana, pranayama etc. have been created. Yoga is not triangle pose, breathing, mula bandha etc. - these practices are designed calm the mind so that samadhi can happen.

Because we do not experience samadhi often, we have come to identify with our minds, bodies and egos. We have lost the connection with our true nature and we no longer feel this bliss, we no longer feel one with truth or truly conscious and as a result we experience a lot of suffering. Samadhi is therefore not only desirable, but actually necessary, in order to feel healthy and to find true happiness and fulfilment in life.

For some reason, people believe that samadhi is very difficult to experience, but the truth is that we all do have small tastes of it. In India, 64 yogic arts and sciences are regarded as paths to samadhi - dance, music, astronomy, mathematics, cooking… each of these can be paths to deep concentration, truth and bliss. When we enjoy a beautiful sunset or a piece of music, when we are “in the zone”… these are types of samadhi. 

Samadhi is not far off, but intimately close, something common to everyone’s experience. We just do not get enough of it! So the purpose of yoga practice is to regain this experience: this is the true source of health and happiness that we all seek.


Essence of the Yoga Sutra
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