Integral Ashtanga Practice - A Holistic System of Eight Limbs
The word yoga has two uses or meanings.
1. Yoga is a special state of mind - also known as samadhi.
What is samadhi?
The Mandukya Upanishad describes four naturally occurring states of consciousness: the waking state, the dream state, the deep sleep state and a fourth state beyond these - samadhi.
Samadhi is natural, but it is not seen much today. This is due to a corruption of the human system that has taken place over many generations .
2. Since yoga does not occur naturally today, a system of practices have been developed, which are designed to take us back to our original condition.
So the word yoga indicates both a special state of consciousness or mind and a practice which is designed to lead to this state of consciousness.
There are many different systems of yoga - Raja, Kundalini, Hatha, Ashtanga etc.. - they are all designed to take you to the same goal. Different methods and techniques, but the same target.
But what is the target and how can it be reached?
Patanjali explains that in the state of samadhi, one may experience one’s true nature as it is truly is. - YS 1.3
But in our normal every day experience that true nature is overshadowed, invisible, indistinguishable from the momentary perceptions, thoughts, sensations that course through the mind in a continuous stream. - YS 1.4
In the state of samadhi, Patanjali explains, that the “seer” or “Self” is established in its true nature or natural state, while at other times - normally - it appears as though this seer merges with what is seen or experienced.
Through stopping the thoughts, one can recognise that they do not define us, nor do our sensations or memories - these are all passing sensations - coming and going, while the essential Self is witness to all.
I am not the body. I am not the mind. My true nature is pure consciousness - deathless and pure, unchanging, a witness only - filled with bliss and radiant like the sun - this is the realisation that comes through yoga. This realisation floods the body with bliss and the mind with peace.
Every healthily embodied being should be able to experience this on a regular basis. Samadhi is refreshment for the mind in the same way that sleep is refreshment for the body. It is absolutely essential - a natural rest for the mind.
Since human suffering has increased so much, the natural state is hardly found, but the need for samadhi today is greater than ever.
Since samadhi is not found, people use many other pathways to get pleasure, for relaxation and for security. This is nothing but an unconscious urge to experience the natural state of samadhi and the state of relaxation and bliss that it gives.
We know that material objects and pleasures do not bring any lasting happiness, but they do give us temporary satisfaction and peace. The reason for this, according to yogis, is that relaxing our stress momentarily simply allows the inner bliss to be revealed.
Our true nature is bliss filled. The satisfaction of desire - the release of stress - simply reveals the inner nature for a moment. You do not import pleasure - our very nature is bliss.
Modern man runs around trying to find something elusive - peace, fulfilment, satisfaction, self knowledge, happiness…
(S)he is looking in the wrong place. It is not outside, but inside.
Integral Ashtanga Yoga
as a Holistic System of Eight Limbs
Saturday April 20, 9:30-12:00
in Ein Shemer
"Makom Shel Yoga" studio